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Although there is something cozy and comforting about being stuck in the house when it’s cold out, it can also be easy to lose motivation and feel lethargic when the seasons change. Stats even show that 4 of 6 people experience declining mental states during the winter! Vive is here to encourage you to stay motivated and be cognizant of your mental health.  Here are some easy tips that may be a game-changer this winter!


Stick to your usual routine

When you’re feeling stuck, it’s easy to just curl up and watch tv. Instead, keep up with your normal routine to feel more like yourself- this may include normal eating, working out, and socializing routines. Although it’s easy for these habits to slip away during the winter (we’re all guilty of it!), routine can keep you on track.

Increase sunlight

Vitamin D, anyone? Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for your body- especially when it comes to supporting mood levels. And, did you know that you get a significant amount of your daily Vitamin D recommended intake from the sun? When it comes to winter, sunlight may be sparse. To ensure you’re getting as many rays as possible, try moving your work station near a window. An easy hack with a high reward!


Challenge yourself to get outside and exercise

Let’s face it: it’s cold outside and you would rather be snuggled up with a book. Challenge yourself to get outdoors, even just for a few minutes at a time to breathe in fresh air and be around nature. Studies suggest that being outside may even boost immunity! Vive’s holistic doctor, Dr. Erica, raves about the benefits: “getting some of your exercise outdoors, with exposure to sunlight, can stimulate the immune system, calm the nervous system, increase vitamin D levels, increase melatonin, decrease anxiety and depression, and improve sleep.”


If you’re feeling isolated during the winter- chances are your friends are experiencing similar feelings too! Don’t forget your friends still exist- by keeping up regular socialization, you and your friends will benefit. Try going to a workout class with your besties, or even hosting a small dinner party. 


Follow regular eating patterns 

Keeping routine consistent all around is important- especially when it comes to eating. Following regular eating patterns ensures your blood sugar stays normal- no one wants to risk getting hangry! Plus, increasing your intake of vitamins and minerals can help keep you healthy and happy- especially when it comes from whole foods. If you’re looking for an easy way to up your vitamin and mineral intake, try this Immune Supporting Smoothie.


Limit screen time

When you’re stuck inside, your time is most likely spent in front of a screen. Whether working remote, scrolling on Instagram, or watching tv, these activities may make you feel even more isolated. Skip the copious amounts of blue light- and trade in your evening show for a good book instead! Plus, try these tips to reduce your screen time, so you can start feeling more inspired, connected, and creative. 


It’s not uncommon to get a little bit stir crazy and not feel like yourself during those winter months. Here’s to avoiding those winter doldrums and keeping a vibrant life- no matter the season!