Top Immunity Boosting Foods
Top Immunity Boosting Foods


What exactly is the immune system and how are we supposed to take care of it? The immune system is a complex network of organs, cells, and proteins that defends the body against infection, whilst protecting the body’s own cells¹. The phrase 'boosting your immune system' is often used in the health and wellness industry, though its scientific validity varies.

The concept of 'boosting' immunity is complex and nuanced, with varying opinions among health experts. What most health experts will agree on is that we should support our immune system so that it can do its job optimally. There are a ton of different solutions to promoting optimal immune function within the body, but getting back to basics is the most simple and effective way to support our immune system.

"Supporting your immune system can involve consuming nutritious foods, managing stress, and establishing consistent healthy habits. These are just some of the ways that we can “boost” or support our immunity!


Promoting optimal immune health through the regular consumption of nutritious food is a simple step to take – and what’s convenient is that these foods also have other amazing benefits for your health.

  1. CITRUS – Think oranges, pineapple, grapefruit, clementines, lemons, and limes! It may be obvious, but citrus fruits are a great way to incorporate Vitamin C into your routine. Vitamin C is known to play a role in the function of white blood cells, which are crucial for immune defense. White blood cells are the ones that fight off disease and free radicals in the body². Bonus – Vitamin C may help strengthen our skin barrier!
  2. GINGER – Ginger is a spicy, yellow root that is found in many different types of foods, juices, and teas. You can incorporate Ginger into your diet in a variety of ways from juice shots, to teas, supplements, candy chews, or even raw! In my opinion, shots are the simplest and best way to get the benefits of ginger in true form, that’s because drinking the ginger in juice shot form allows for a high concentration of ingredients in a small serving– cutting out all of the unnecessary filler ingredients. Vive Immunity Boost Shots are a fan favorite - these contain ginger as a main ingredient combined with other ingredients that work well with ginger to enhance the immune-supporting properties of the formula overall.
  3. SPINACH – This is the bold leafy green we all love! Spinach is packed with Vitamin C, but also contains antioxidants and potassium which may increase our body’s ability to fight infections by arming our immune system with the nutrients it needs to function at its best³! I recommend working spinach into your diet on a daily basis. If you are not a fan of this particular green, try blending it up into a smoothie with other fruits and veggies to reap all of the benefits from a different flavor profile. You may also enjoy spinach the more obvious way – in a salad! Working spinach into soups and omelets are more easy ways to fit it in. And here’s a bonus – Spinach is great for your eye-sight too!
  4. TURMERIC – Turmeric is a root that is similar to ginger – in fact, they are in the same root family. The technical term is rhizome and both are native plants to Asia. Similar to ginger, turmeric has been known to be used in traditional eastern medicine practices for hundreds of years. Turmeric is noted for its antioxidant properties, which are thought to support immune function. No one wants to get sick, and feeding your body with powerful, good-for-you foods will help arm your immune system to function in top shape. Vive Immunity Boost Shots incorporate turmeric in all of their different varieties, while also including black pepper, Vitamin C, and other top-tier ingredients. Based on all of the research on turmeric, it makes PERFECT sense that all of the Immunity Boost Shots include turmeric. Not only that, they’re super convenient and one of the best ways to consume turmeric.
  5. POULTRY – Not all immunity-boosting foods have to be fruits and vegetables. Protein-rich poultry, like chicken and turkey, can also aid your immune system. It’s no wonder chicken noodle soup is a repeat menu item for when someone is feeling ill. But why is that so? Poultry is high in vitamin B-6, which can help reduce inflammation and is needed in the creation of new red blood cells, and zinc, which increases the production of white blood cells. Aside from chicken noodle soup, there are truly a million different ways to cook chicken and turkey!
  6. ELDERBERRY – Elderberry is a dark purple berry that is found on trees native to Europe. In a study published by the National Library of Medicine, it was found that a combination of elder flowers. Some studies suggest elderberry may help reduce the duration and severity of colds, though more research is needed to confirm these effects. How should one consume Elderberries to reap the immune-supporting benefits? Enjoy elderberries in the form of tea, jams, supplements, and juice shots. Vive Immunity Boost Shots have a specific shot that incorporates the powers of both Elderberry & Ginger with a super delicious and unique flavor! It’s one of my favorites!
  7. YOGURT – We cannot forget about our gut! Yogurt, particularly types containing probiotics, can support gut health, which is linked to immune function. With 70% of immune immune cells housed in the gut, it’s also a good idea to keep your gut microbiome. Probiotic sources, such as yogurt and kefir, help keep healthy gut bacteria thriving and supporting your immune system. Stick to the plain Greek-style yogurt if you’re trying to limit added sugars and instead consider flavoring with a sprinkle of cinnamon or drop of vanilla extract from your spice cabinet at home. Yogurt is a very versatile ingredient and can be used in smoothies, on its own, in place of sour cream, and as a salad dressing base, too!

While it's important to prioritize whole fruits and vegetables in your diet to ensure you're getting a wide range of nutrients and fiber, I recommend incorporating juice shots for immune support as a convenient way to boost your intake of immune-supportive nutrients like vitamin C and antioxidants found in various good-for-you plant foods. Juice shots can be a quick addition to your routine and complement a balanced diet rich in whole foods.

ginger and vive wellness shots


Like mentioned before, nutritious foods are not the only way to support your immune system. Making the right lifestyle choices can also have positive impacts on your immunity. Below are just a few examples of how one can do this:

  • Regular Physical Activity
  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
  • Get enough sleep, around 7-9 hours per night
  • Abstain from smoking
  • Limit or eliminate alcohol consumption

Convenient Immunity Boost Shots Complete with TOP IMMUNITY-SUPPORTING INGREDIENTS

For a convenient way to consume a mix of potentially beneficial ingredients, you might consider options like juice shots, which are designed to be quick and easy to use. Vive Immunity Boost Shots are the perfect, convenient way to get your daily boost of nutrients that support immune health! I love that they’re made up of the specific ingredients known for supporting immunity like Ginger, Turmeric, Elderberry, and Vitamin C, plus they taste great too!

  • Immunity Boost™ Original – This Immunity Boost Original shot is power-packed with a blend of roots, fruits, and flowers for the ultimate immune system strengthener.
    • Key Ingredient Highlight: Ginger
  • Immunity Boost™ Vitamin C – Your go-to Vitamin C Boost! This Immunity Boost with Vitamin C shot is power-packed with a blend of organic roots and fruits for the ultimate daily immune system strengthener.
    • Key Ingredient Highlight: Vitamin C
  • Immunity Boost™ Elderberry – The perfect elderberry drink! This Immunity Boost with Elderberry shot is power-packed with a blend of organic roots and fruits for the ultimate daily immune system strengthener.
    • Key Ingredient Highlight: Elderberry
  • Immunity Boost™ Cayenne – This Immunity Boost with Cayenne shot is power-packed with a blend of organic roots and fruits for the ultimate daily immune system strengthener.
    • Key Ingredient Highlight: Cayenne
  • Energy + Immunity – The energy shot to perk you up! This Dual Boost Energy + Immunity shot is power-packed with Earth’s most powerful nootropics and adaptogens, with a blend of organic roots and fruits for the ultimate daily immune system strengthener. We solved the need for all-natural energy. No crash. No crazy buzz. Just fresh pressed focus to get you through the day.
    • Key Ingredient Highlight: Ashwagandha

Looking for a boost in nutrients that support your energy and immunity!? Don’t be shy – A Vive Organic Sampler Pack is available for purchase near you!


  1. Immune System Explained (Accessed December 31, 2023)
  2. 7 Impressive Ways Vitamin C Benefits Your Body (Accessed January 1, 2024)
  3. 15 Foods That Boost The Immune System (Accessed January 2, 2024)
  4. Foods To Boost Your Immune System (Accessed January 2, 2024)
  5. Mahboubi, Mohaddese, Sambucus nigra (black elder) as alternative treatment for cold and flu (Accessed November 3, 2023)
  6. COVID-19 and Nutrition: Care for Yourself and Others With These Tips (Accessed January 2, 2024)

Disclaimer: This blog contains promotional content about our products. The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. While the nutritional information and health tips shared here are based on published studies and expert insights, they should not replace advice and treatment from a healthcare professional. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or health objectives.