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Did you know that finding what brings you joy in life is central to feeling a sense of purpose and meaning? Today we’re sharing a few tips to make time for the things that bring you joy. 


Building time for joy in your life is one of the most important ways to take care of yourself. It works against the daily stressors of life, fuels you up, and helps build resilience. We all build in time for work, getting things done around the house, and social engagements, but it’s so important to leave space for those activities that refuel us. We need to create time to re-energize by doing whatever it is that reminds us we’re alive. Check out these tips for creating time for joy. 


Today, ask yourself: When do I feel most alive? What gives me fuel and sparks my passion? Write down three things that come to mind, and hang the list on your wall. A visual reminder will help keep you accountable. 



The most important meeting of the day is the one with yourself. mark your calendar. Time for joy is crucial to your overall mental, physical, and spiritual health. 


For Vive Organic’s Co-Founder, JR Simich, it’s getting in the ocean or any body of water and walking in the morning with his dogs. For you, it could be gardening, cooking, hiking, stargazing, or whatever gives you a break from the day and makes you feel your best. 


Joy works wonders against the anxiety of daily life. If you actually commit time to activities that bring you joy, the rest of your calendar may not seem so daunting either, and you might just find yourself re-energized and enjoying the rest of your time a little more. Give it a try!