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Employee Favorites
Employee Favorites


Jeffrey holding bottles of his favorite Vive flavor

What’s your name? 

Jeffrey Suarez 

What’s your position at Vive? 

Local Shot-spert

Why do you work at Vive? 

I work for Vive because it’s a brand I believe in. The product itself, sustainable sourcing, use of imperfect produce, the culture of the company and it’s employees, our mission of connecting people to the roots of wellness, etc. I can go on forever.

How do you Vive? 

Favorite shot at the moment is Wellness Rescue. Wellness rescue has that next level spicy that really hit the back of the throat. The Energy Focus is runner up. It’s flavorful, and really gives me that boost I’m looking for when I need it.


Kelsey holding her favorite shot, Energy and Focus, at the beach

What’s your name? 

Kelsey Bebout 

What’s your position at Vive? 

The Numbers Expert

Why do you work at Vive? 

The amazing team & amazing product!! I love that our product focuses on natural, everyday remedies to better one's health. I think our society has over complicated health, so I love that we are getting back to the roots of healthcare by using nature's medicine. And the all star team that makes up Vive Organic creates a culture that is friendly, fun and innovative all at the same time. We are not only co-workers, we are family!

How do you Vive?

Energy & Focus is my favorite shot. I don't like the taste of coffee, but I definitely need a punch of energy each day to get me through the afternoon slump. This shot provides just the right amount of natural energy so that I don't get jittery or lose any sleep at night, but I also don't crash!


Ricky smiling outside with his favorite flavor, Immunity Boost Original

What’s your name? 

Ricky Luna


What’s your position at Vive? 

The Coffee Guy 


Why do you work at Vive? 

I work at Vive because I believe in the product. I love the shots and team. I find joy in introducing new people to our product and hearing amazing stories on how they became a Vive fan too.


How do you Vive? 

I dig them all but I am an Immunity Boost Original guy. I start my morning with one almost everyday. Energy + Focus is still really new, but I'm kind of obsessed with it.  I love the smooth caffeine effect that it brings. 



Joia at her desk with her two favorite shots of Vive: the Immunity Boost Original, and Electro Restore

What’s your name? 

Joia Pardo-Matthews

What’s your position at Vive? 

Regional Go-To

Why do you work at Vive? 

I work at Vive because we have the best team in the industry.  How would I describe them?...humble, smart, proactive, thoughtful, passionate, competitive yet collaborative, greater than the sum of our parts.  And then you add in a rockstar product that me and my friends and family love...why wouldn't I work at Vive?

How do you Vive? 

My absolute favorite is the Immunity Boost Original, but I take different shots for different things.  Immunity Boost Original everyday to keep my immune system boosted and help with total body inflammation. The Energy + Focus before my afternoon workouts. The Electro Restore for after my workout. And of course, Wellness Rescue whenever I feel run down or something coming on. The other day I had a little bit of a sore throat and one shot later and it was gone!



Shannon outdoors with a bottle of Electro Restore

What’s your name? 

Shannon Paul  

What’s your position at Vive? 

Sales Operations Manager

Why do you work at Vive? 

I love working for a small startup with similar values as me. I believe in organic foods, holistic remedies and helping bring plant-based wellness to the masses.

How do you Vive? 

I always drink our new Electro Restore shot after a long hike or working out. I've been drinking Energy + Focus midday to help get through the workday too!