It’s a new year! You can already hear those annoying ads playing, telling you what you really need is to be a different shape, a different personality, and a different person – a whole new you. Because of all this, we set unrealistic goals to become idealized versions of ourselves, and then we’re disappointed when we don’t see an immediate transformation. All too often, this leaves us feeling like we’ve failed, we’ve missed the mark, and we aren’t capable of living the life we long for. But you know what? The world needs you, not a new you.
We believe a health about doing more of what makes you, you. Let’s get back to the basics and live with sustainable, healthy routines, instead of starting from scratch. This year, we are focusing on simple, encouraging, healthy reminders, not crash and burn resolutions. It’s about progress over perfection. Those goals and dreams? You can get there. That fear and negative self talk? Leave it behind. Small choices, baby steps, and little victories lead to big changes… and we know you’re capable of getting where you want to be, because look how awesome you already are! So let’s get up, get out there, and get going – together. We got this.
Each Monday this month, we’re sharing a reminder to help you feel more, well… YOU. Remember what we learned in 2022 with journaling for mental health, practicing gratitude for spiritual health, taking 10 minutes of movement for physical health, and so much more? We’re building on those ideas and starting the year off strong with positive energy and consistent routines that won’t burn out by spring. So when you need a boost, you know where to find us. Follow us on Instagram for Monday reminders, Wednesday wellness expert videos, and Friday mantra art to save and share. The Vive team is for you and with you, always. Cheers to an energized, refreshed, active YOU in this new year!